Honest History

Do you remember the cartoon “Proud Family”? I guess this was a reboot of the original, but the video looked like any other. I knew that a song was about to break out, but this song caught me by surprise! Click Here to watch.

What did you think? What is critical race theory and why is it such a big deal?

First, Critical Theory, a topic that originated from scholarly discussions, is a way to examine how social problems stem more from social structures and cultural assumptions than from individuals.  At some point, race was thrown into the mix. According to Critical Race Theory (CRT), which is defined as “a set of ideas holding that racial bias is inherent in many parts of western society, especially in its legal and social institutions, on the basis of their having been primarily designed for and implemented by white people.” Consider the following questions: 

  • Is there a good amount of people who believe racism is alive and well in America? 

  • Do some people hold the view that racism is a myth or an excuse in order to justify their inherent beliefs?


These questions have been the topic of huge debate since the release of the 1619 article published by the New York Times in 2020. 

At least 5 states have passed anti-CRT legislation. Many more will follow their lead. Here is where the 1619 Project enters into the picture 1619 Project Link. This Pulitzer Prize winning series of content is being taught in over 4,500 K-12 schools. The project’s curriculum highlights topics such as “Examining the Legacy of Slavery in and Mass Incarceration”. Its content and exercises are designed to make us question how we examine the past, present and future of these topics. This brings us to the debate. 

There has been a strategic effort to associate The 1619 Project with CRT with the argument being that the Project is divisive, and breeds hate among students. However, for some the question could be: is the primary goal for elevating CRT to white-wash black history or, could the purpose be an effort to hold a current generation accountable for a past generation’s misdeeds.

Where do you land on this CRITICAL debate?  
